A famous infamous game
this is a game won against Balashov fron one of our chess club member! It was a good surprise to discover how our friend hit the grandmaster on the board.
Here are the data of the game:
[Event "21st World Senior Championship"]
[Site "Opatija"]
[Date "2011.11.16"]
[EventDate "2011.??.??"]
[Round "2.11"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Christoph Frick"]
[Black "Yuri Balashov"]
[ECO "B25"]
[WhiteElo "2218"]
[BlackElo "2443"]
[PlyCount "66"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. d3 d6 6. Nh3 e6
7. O-O Nge7 8. Be3 O-O 9. Qd2 Nd4 10. Bh6 Bxh6 11. Qxh6 f6
12. Qd2 e5 13. f4 Qb6 14. Nd1 c4 15. Kh1 cxd3 16. c3 Ne6
17. Ne3 Nc5 18. f5 d5 19. fxg6 Bxh3 20. Bxh3 dxe4 21. b4 Ne6
22. Ng4 hxg6 23. Nxf6+ Kg7 24. Nxe4 Rad8 25. Rxf8 Nxf8 26. Qg5
Qc7 27. Qf6+ Kg8 28. Rf1 Nf5 29. Bxf5 gxf5 30. Rxf5 Nh7
31. Qe6+ Kh8 32. Rf7 d2 33. Nxd2 Kg8 1-0
this is a game won against Balashov fron one of our chess club member! It was a good surprise to discover how our friend hit the grandmaster on the board.
Here are the data of the game:
[Event "21st World Senior Championship"]
[Site "Opatija"]
[Date "2011.11.16"]
[EventDate "2011.??.??"]
[Round "2.11"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Christoph Frick"]
[Black "Yuri Balashov"]
[ECO "B25"]
[WhiteElo "2218"]
[BlackElo "2443"]
[PlyCount "66"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. d3 d6 6. Nh3 e6
7. O-O Nge7 8. Be3 O-O 9. Qd2 Nd4 10. Bh6 Bxh6 11. Qxh6 f6
12. Qd2 e5 13. f4 Qb6 14. Nd1 c4 15. Kh1 cxd3 16. c3 Ne6
17. Ne3 Nc5 18. f5 d5 19. fxg6 Bxh3 20. Bxh3 dxe4 21. b4 Ne6
22. Ng4 hxg6 23. Nxf6+ Kg7 24. Nxe4 Rad8 25. Rxf8 Nxf8 26. Qg5
Qc7 27. Qf6+ Kg8 28. Rf1 Nf5 29. Bxf5 gxf5 30. Rxf5 Nh7
31. Qe6+ Kh8 32. Rf7 d2 33. Nxd2 Kg8 1-0
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