TheJeanisch Gambit or "Schliemann defense"
For the fans who want to surprise their opponent in the Ruy Lopez, they can try the beautiful Gambit called "Jeanisch", beginning with
ECO Code: C63
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5

The Gambit Jänisch nach 3. ... f7-f5
In order to study the opening there are few books, the more accurate are:
- Schliemann Defense Volume 1: Tartakower Variation from Eric Schiller
- Schliemann Defense Volume 2: Classical Variation from Shamkovicand Schiller
Why is that opening a good one ?
[1] it forces your opponent to get out of the fields of classical knowledge
[2] it forces "you" to study the tricks and traps of that opening and gain another view of the chess board
[3] you are quite forced to go beyond the basics of piece play and it trains your abilities to create counter-play.
The bad point: many variations require
- a good understanding of the position
- a good memory !
When I think of that opening, it reminds me the g5 variation of the budapest gambit which goes as follows:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe Ng4 4. Bf4 g5 where the chess board is immediatly burned with threats for white and black.
The good point: risk yourself with it on blitz on the internet and you will realize the potential of the opening. There are certainly bad points for it and every GM (out of the ones who play it for rapid games !) will tell you that the opening is not safe. And they will be right ... at GM level. Under 2500 Elo/DWZ that opening is highly recommandable.
Here is an example of game
And that's it ... one can say that the 2200 player has fought ... and felt.
Be careful: a lot of lines are just good for white and white succeeds quite good to fight the common traps of the opening. So what would be a better example ? Simply take a look at this game between Ivanchuk and Radjabov ...
Super GMs can also fall into deep considerations before to claim an "always-clear-win" for white.
ECO Code: C63
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5

The Gambit Jänisch nach 3. ... f7-f5
In order to study the opening there are few books, the more accurate are:
- Schliemann Defense Volume 1: Tartakower Variation from Eric Schiller
- Schliemann Defense Volume 2: Classical Variation from Shamkovicand Schiller
Why is that opening a good one ?
[1] it forces your opponent to get out of the fields of classical knowledge
[2] it forces "you" to study the tricks and traps of that opening and gain another view of the chess board
[3] you are quite forced to go beyond the basics of piece play and it trains your abilities to create counter-play.
The bad point: many variations require
- a good understanding of the position
- a good memory !
When I think of that opening, it reminds me the g5 variation of the budapest gambit which goes as follows:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe Ng4 4. Bf4 g5 where the chess board is immediatly burned with threats for white and black.
The good point: risk yourself with it on blitz on the internet and you will realize the potential of the opening. There are certainly bad points for it and every GM (out of the ones who play it for rapid games !) will tell you that the opening is not safe. And they will be right ... at GM level. Under 2500 Elo/DWZ that opening is highly recommandable.
Here is an example of game
And that's it ... one can say that the 2200 player has fought ... and felt.
Be careful: a lot of lines are just good for white and white succeeds quite good to fight the common traps of the opening. So what would be a better example ? Simply take a look at this game between Ivanchuk and Radjabov ...
Super GMs can also fall into deep considerations before to claim an "always-clear-win" for white.
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